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Typical Usage and Parameters:
PointShoot surface1_10_6.500000_1.750000.template surface1_10_6.500000_1.750000.alpha0 alphaOutRoot
The following are the command line options. Click on each title to get a detailed description and their typical values.
- Template Points
- Alpha0 File
- Output Root
- NeighborhoodVSigmaScale (-v)
Detailed Command Line Options:
- Template Points: The "*.template" output file from the lddmm-surface program.
- Alpha0 File: The "*.alpha0 output file from the lddmm-surface program. The alpha filename MUST be of the form output by the lddmm-surface program because the parameters numTimeSteps, sigmaV, sigmaW are parsed from the filename.
- Output Root: Path that specifies the root name of the output momentum file.
- NeighborhoodVSigmaScale (-s): Scale factor which specifies the estimated support of the kernels for the Hilbert space of vector fields.
Last Modified: Monday, 25th April, 2011 @ 11:20am