iMixPics app reaches more than 2000 downloads

January 9, 2013

The iMixPics app, which was released in April 2012, has recently surpassed the 2000 download milestone. iMixPics is an iPhone app developed by former JHU students Solomon Liu, Roberto Tron, Dheeraj Singaraju and Martin Wojkowsky under the supervision of Dr. René Vidal, Director of the Vision, Dynamics and Learning Lab, Center for Imaging Science, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Using interactive image segmentation techniques, iMixPics allows users to cut, mix, and edit photos in their iPhone’s image gallery. Users can select a picture, designate different areas of the image to keep or discard, and add this edited image to another photo.

iMixPics for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad is available free from the iTunes App Store under Johns Hopkins Mobile medicine. Get more information here.


Center for Imaging Science