# This code uses the same input/output data massaging structures as the Smacof R package # De Leeuw, Jan, and Patrick Mair. "Multidimensional scaling using majorization: SMACOF in R." Department of Statistics, UCLA (2011). # Smacof package available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=smacof fJOFC <- function(w1,delta, ndim = 2,verbose = FALSE, init=NULL, itmax = 1000, eps = 1e-6) { require(shapes) require(smacof) # w1 is the value such that W is then of the form: # ee^T-I on diagonal blocks # w1 I off diagonal # delta ... list of dissmilarity matrices to be jointly embedded # vertices are assumed matched m<-length(delta) nvert<-nrow(delta[[1]]) # ndim ... number of dimensions # init ... matrix with starting values of dimension nvert*m \times ndim # itmax ... maximum number of iterations # eps ... change in loss function # make the delta's into diss objects, same subroutine used in SmacofSym from the Smacof package diss<-delta for(i in 1:m){ if ((is.matrix(diss[[i]])) || (is.data.frame(diss[[i]]))) { dx<-as.vector(diss[[i]][lower.tri(diss[[i]])]) diss[[i]] <- structure(dx, Size = nvert, call = quote(as.dist.default(m=b)), class = "dist", Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE) attr(diss[[i]], "Labels") <- c((nvert*(i-1)+1):(nvert*i)) } } p <- ndim n <- nvert*m NN<-n*(n-1)/2 if (p > (n - 1)) stop("Maximum number of dimensions is nvert*m-1!") nn <- nvert*(nvert-1)/2 m <- length(diss) wgthsd<-as.dist(matrix(1,nvert,nvert)-diag(nvert)) wgthso<-w1*diag(nvert) # can parallelize here dhat<-list() for(i in 1:m){ qqq<-length(diss[[i]]) dhat[[i]] <- diss[[i]]/sqrt(sum(wgthsd*diss[[i]]^2))*sqrt(qqq)*sqrt(NN/(m*nn)) #normalize each dissimilarity to nvert(nvert-1)/2 } if (is.null(init)){ # to initialize, instead of embedding everything at once using torgerson # which would be inefficient speed-wise, let's embed each separately # and procrustes fit them to each other and call that the initialization x<-list() xmean <- torgerson(sqrt(Reduce('+',diss)), p=p) for(i in 1:m){ x[[i]] <- torgerson(sqrt(diss[[i]]), p=p) # intialize each x xx <- procOPA(xmean,x[[i]],scale=FALSE,reflect=TRUE) x[[i]] <- xx$Bhat } } else{ x <- list() for(i in 1:m){x[[i]]<-as.matrix(init)[((i-1)*nvert+1):(nvert*i),]} } itel <- 1 #iteration number # make the distance matrix list d <- list() for (i in 1:m){ d[[i]]<-list() for (j in i:m){ d[[i]][[j]]<-rect.dist.sqrt(x[[i]],x[[j]]) if (i==j){d[[i]][[j]]<-as.dist(d[[i]][[j]])} } } numer <-0 denom <-0 for(i in 1:m){numer <-numer+sum(d[[i]][[i]]*dhat[[i]])} for(i in 1:m){ for(j in i:m){ if(i==j){denom<-denom+sum(wgthsd*d[[i]][[i]]^2)} else{denom<-denom+sum(w1*diag(d[[i]][[j]]^2))} } } lb <- numer/denom #normalization tr(X'VX); for(i in 1:m){ x[[i]] <- lb*x[[i]] #modify x with lb-factor for(j in i:m){ d[[i]][[j]] <- lb*d[[i]][[j]] #modify d with lb-factor } } c1 <- (nvert+w1)/(nvert*(nvert+m*w1)) c2 <- w1/(nvert*(nvert+m*w1)) # calculate stress (can be parallelized) sold<-0 for(i in 1:m){ for(j in i:m){ if(i==j){sold<-sold+sum(wgthsd*(dhat[[i]]-d[[i]][[j]])^2)} else{sold<-sold+sum(w1*diag(d[[i]][[j]]^2))} } } sold <- sold/(NN) #stress (to be minimized in repeat loop) repeat { # make B*x's bx <- list() for(i in 1:m){ qqq<-ifelse(d[[i]][[i]]<1e-12,1,0) bbb<-as.matrix( (wgthsd*dhat[[i]]*(1-qqq)) /(d[[i]][[i]]+qqq)) rrr<-rowSums(bbb) b <- diag(rrr)-bbb bx[[i]] <- b%*%x[[i]] } # make updated embedding y <- list() ysum<-c2*Reduce("+",bx) for(i in 1:m){ y[[i]]<-ysum+(c1-c2)*bx[[i]] } # make distance matrices for y e <- list() for (i in 1:m){ e[[i]]<-list() for (j in i:m){ e[[i]][[j]]<-rect.dist.sqrt(y[[i]],y[[j]]) if (i==j){e[[i]][[j]]<-as.dist(e[[i]][[j]])} } } # calculate new stress (can be parrallelized) snon<-0 for(i in 1:m){ for(j in i:m){ if(i==j){snon<-snon+sum(wgthsd*(dhat[[i]]-e[[i]][[j]])^2)} else{snon<-snon+sum(w1*diag(e[[i]][[j]])^2)} } } snon <- snon/NN #print out intermediate stress, same output structure as in SmacofSym to allow for ease of comparison if (verbose) cat("Iteration: ",formatC(itel,width=3, format="d"), " Stress (normalized):", formatC(c(snon),digits=8,width=12,format="f"), " Difference: ", formatC(sold-snon,digits=8,width=12,format="f"),"\n") if (((sold-snon)