#! /usr/bin/Rscript
### Generating and plotting the induced subgraphs of the high school 
### Facebook and Survey networks generated by the vertices the two 
### graphs have in common (shared vertices). 
### Heather Gaddy Patsolic 
### 2017 <[email protected]>
### S.D.G 


## User: If false, loads rdata file. If true, runs full script.
run <- FALSE

    require(doMC); nCores <- 4
    # Register Cores for parallelism 
    if("package:doMPI" %in% search()){
        cl <- startMPIcluster()
        registerDoMPI(cl)} else {
    hhop <- 1 #2
    g <- 0.1
    R <- 50
    iter <- 20
    ell <- 1
    # for where this data was generated, see hscore_plots.r
    perm2 <- sample(vcount(HSfrgraphcore),vcount(HSfrgraphcore),replace=FALSE)
    adj2a <- get.adjacency(HSfrgraphcore)
    adj2 <- adj2a[perm2,perm2]
    map <- cbind(1:vcount(HSfrgraphcore),perm2)
    colnames(map) <- c("core1id","core2id")
    map2 <- cbind(perm2,1:vcount(HSfrgraphcore))
    sp <- sort(perm2,index.return=TRUE)
    map2sort <- map2[sp$ix,]
    g.frscrambled <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj2,mode="max")
    P <- t(diag(1:82)[perm2,])
    r1 <- apply(P,1,function(x){which(x==1)})
    ###stricken r2 <- apply(P,2,function(x){which(x)==1})
        #induced_subgraph(HSfrgraphcore, FRpermlist[,1], 
        #                              impl = c("auto"))
    #all(adj2a==(t(diag(1,82)[perm2,])%*%adj2%*%diag(1,82)[perm2,])) ##TRUE
    #SET <- foreach(vvi = 1:2)%dopar%{
    SET <- foreach(vvi = 1:nrow(adj2))%dopar%{
        # note, we can use vvi as voi because of identity 
        # map between two graphs of core vertices.
        set.seed <- 537*vvi
        voi <- vvi
        # no need to call on labels because identity map
        fb.voi <- map2sort[voi,1]
        fr.voi <- map2sort[voi,2]
        #fb.voi<- which(HSfbgr$label==voi)
        #friends.voi <- which(HSfriendsgr$label==voi)
        Nhtmp <- unlist(ego(HSfbgraphcore,hhop,nodes=voi,mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
        imp2 <- 0
        nrankxp0 <- 0
        nrankxpBad <- 0 
        nrvois <- rep(NA,length(Nhtmp))
        imp2_h1l2 <- 0
        nrankxp0_h1l2 <- 0
        nrankxpBad_h1l2 <- 0 
        nrvois_h1l2 <- rep(NA,length(Nhtmp))
        for(si in 1:length(Nhtmp)){
            seeds <- Nhtmp[si];
            S <- matrix(map2sort[seeds,],ncol=2)
            frtmp <- sum(S[,2]>fr.voi)+fr.voi
#            ### BEGINDEBUG
#            s1 <- unlist(ego(HSfbgraphcore,hhop,nodes=S[,1],mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
#            s2c <- unlist(ego(HSfrgraphcore,hhop,nodes=seeds,mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
#            s2r1 <- unlist(ego(g.frscrambled,hhop,nodes=r1[seeds],mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
#            #r1[s2c]==s2r1
#            ## stricken--s2r2 <- unlist(ego(g.frscrambled,hhop,nodes=r2[seeds],mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
#            ### ENDDEBUG
            L <- localnbd(fb.voi,S,HSfbgraphcore,g.frscrambled,hhop,ell,R,g)
                if(frtmp %in% L$labelsGxp){
                #    rankvoi <- 0
                    Ps <- L$P
                    Ps <- Ps[1:length(L$labelsGx),1:length(L$labelsGxp)]
                    rankPs <- pass2ranksuplus(Ps) 
                    rankvoi <- rankPs[(nrow(S)+1),
                                      which(L$labelsGxp==(frtmp))] #note, this assumes all seeds used which will be the case in our rigged example --- labeling issue comes in if not all seeds used in vnsgm algorithm
                    rankvoi <- (rankvoi - 1)/(length(L$Cxp)-1)
                    rankvoi <- NA
                    imp2 <- imp2 + 1
                    if(rankvoi == 0){
                        nrankxp0 <- nrankxp0 + 1
                        if(rankvoi >= 0.5){
                            nrankxpBad <- nrankxpBad + 1
                rankvoi <- NA
                imp2 <- imp2 + 1
            nrvois[si] <- rankvoi
            L_h1l2 <- localnbd(fb.voi,S,HSfbgraphcore,g.frscrambled,hhop,(ell+1),R,g)
                if(frtmp %in% L_h1l2$labelsGxp){
                #    rankvoi_h1l2 <- 0
                    Ps <- L_h1l2$P
                    Ps <- Ps[1:length(L_h1l2$labelsGx),1:length(L_h1l2$labelsGxp)]
                    rankPs_h1l2  <- pass2ranksuplus(Ps) 
                    rankvoi_h1l2 <- rankPs_h1l2[(nrow(S)+1),
                                      which(L_h1l2$labelsGxp==(frtmp))] #note, this assumes all seeds used which will be the case in our rigged example --- labeling issue comes in if not all seeds used in vnsgm algorithm
                    rankvoi_h1l2 <- (rankvoi_h1l2 - 1)/(length(L_h1l2$Cxp)-1)
                    rankvoi_h1l2 <- NA
                    imp2_h1l2 <- imp2_h1l2 + 1
                    if(rankvoi_h1l2 == 0){
                        nrankxp0_h1l2 <- nrankxp0_h1l2 + 1
                        if(rankvoi_h1l2 >= 0.5){
                            nrankxpBad_h1l2 <- nrankxpBad_h1l2 + 1
                rankvoi_h1l2 <- NA
                imp2_h1l2 <- imp2_h1l2 + 1
            nrvois_h1l2[si] <- rankvoi_h1l2
        Nhtmp2 <- unlist(ego(HSfbgraphcore,(hhop+1),nodes=voi,mindist=1)) # mindist=0: close, 1: open
        imp2_h2l2 <- 0
        nrankxp0_h2l2 <- 0
        nrankxpBad_h2l2 <- 0 
        nrvois_h2l2 <- rep(NA,length(Nhtmp2))
        imp2_h2l3 <- 0
        nrankxp0_h2l3 <- 0
        nrankxpBad_h2l3 <- 0 
        nrvois_h2l3 <- rep(NA,length(Nhtmp2))
        for(si2 in 1:length(Nhtmp2)){
            seeds2 <- Nhtmp2[si2];
            S2 <- matrix(map2sort[seeds2,],ncol=2)
            frtmp <- sum(S2[,2]>fr.voi)+fr.voi
            L_h2l2 <- localnbd(fb.voi,S2,HSfbgraphcore,g.frscrambled,(hhop+1),(ell+1),R,g)
                if(frtmp %in% L_h2l2$labelsGxp){
                #    rankvoi_h2l2 <- 0
                    Ps <- L_h2l2$P
                    Ps <- Ps[1:length(L_h2l2$labelsGx),1:length(L_h2l2$labelsGxp)]
                    rankPs_h2l2 <- pass2ranksuplus(Ps) 
                    rankvoi_h2l2 <- rankPs_h2l2[(nrow(S2)+1),
                                      which(L_h2l2$labelsGxp==(frtmp))] #note, this assumes all seeds used which will be the case in our rigged example --- labeling issue comes in if not all seeds used in vnsgm algorithm
                    rankvoi_h2l2 <- (rankvoi_h2l2 - 1)/(length(L_h2l2$Cxp)-1)
                    rankvoi_h2l2 <- NA
                    imp2_h2l2 <- imp2_h2l2 + 1
                    if(rankvoi_h2l2 == 0){
                        nrankxp0_h2l2 <- nrankxp0_h2l2 + 1
                        if(rankvoi_h2l2 >= 0.5){
                            nrankxpBad_h2l2 <- nrankxpBad_h2l2 + 1
                rankvoi_h2l2 <- NA
                imp2_h2l2 <- imp2_h2l2 + 1
            nrvois_h2l2[si2] <- rankvoi_h2l2
            L_h2l3 <- localnbd(voi,S2,HSfbgraphcore,HSfrgraphcore,(hhop+1),(ell+2),R,g)
                if(frtmp %in% L_h2l3$labelsGxp){
                #    rankvoi_h2l3 <- 0
                    Ps <- L_h2l3$P
                    Ps <- Ps[1:length(L_h2l3$labelsGx),1:length(L_h2l3$labelsGxp)]
                    rankPs_h2l3 <- pass2ranksuplus(Ps) 
                    rankvoi_h2l3 <- rankPs_h2l3[(nrow(S2)+1),
                                      which(L_h2l3$labelsGxp==(frtmp))] #note, this assumes all seeds used which will be the case in our rigged example --- labeling issue comes in if not all seeds used in vnsgm algorithm
                    rankvoi_h2l3 <- (rankvoi_h2l3 - 1)/(length(L_h2l3$Cxp)-1)
                    rankvoi_h2l3 <- NA
                    imp2_h2l3 <- imp2_h2l3 + 1
                    if(rankvoi_h2l3 == 0){
                        nrankxp0_h2l3 <- nrankxp0_h2l3 + 1
                        if(rankvoi_h2l3 >= 0.5){
                            nrankxpBad_h2l3 <- nrankxpBad_h2l3 + 1
                rankvoi_h2l3 <- NA
                imp2_h2l3 <- imp2_h2l3 + 1
            nrvois_h2l3[si2] <- rankvoi_h2l3
        list(nrankxp0 = nrankxp0, nrankxpBad = nrankxpBad,imp2=imp2,
              nrvois_h1l2=nrvois_h1l2, imp2_h1l2=imp2_h1l2,
              nrvois_h2l2=nrvois_h2l2, imp2_h2l2=imp2_h2l2, 
              nrvois_h2l3=nrvois_h2l3, imp2_h2l3=imp2_h2l3)

#########Generate Summary Plot
simp2 <- Reduce(c, lapply(SET,function(x){x$imp2_h2l2}))
snrankxp0 <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(which(x$nrvois_h2l2==0))}))
snrankxpBad <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(which(x$nrvois_h2l2>=0.5))}))
ssizehnbdx <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(x$nrvois_h2l2)}))

#simp2 <- Reduce(c, lapply(SET,function(x){x$imp2}))
#snrankxp0 <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(which(x$nrvois==0))}))
#snrankxpBad <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(which(x$nrvois>=0.5))}))
#ssizehnbdx <- Reduce(c,lapply(SET,function(x){length(x$nrvois)}))

snrankbw <- ssizehnbdx - snrankxpBad - snrankxp0 - simp2

dfsum <- data.frame(voi = c(1:nrow(adj2)),snrankxp0=snrankxp0,
                  snrankbw = snrankbw,snrankxpBad=snrankxpBad, 

dfsum1 <- data.frame(voi = c(1:nrow(adj2)),"zero"=snrankxp0,
                  "between"=snrankbw,"chance"=snrankxpBad, "na"=simp2)
ds1 <- melt(dfsum1,id="voi")
colnames(ds1) <- c("voi","group","count")
ds1$groupf <- factor(ds1$group,levels=c("na","chance","between","zero"))
#levels(ds1$group) <- c("NA","chance","between","0")

cpPalpurple<- rev(c('#a6dba0','#008837','#c2a5cf','#7b3294'))

pAll <- 
    ggplot(ds1, aes(x=voi, y=count, group=groupf, fill=groupf)) +
       scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,80,by=5)) + 
       geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + 
       theme(text=element_text(size=20),legend.position="top") + #c(0.85,0.9)) + 
       #, legend.title=expression(tau)) +      
       #scale_fill_discrete(name  =expression(tau)
       scale_fill_manual(name  =expression(paste(tau,"(x')")), values = cpPalpurple) +
       ylab("count") + 
       xlab("x") + 
       labs(title="Summary of VN-SGM for each VOI")




##   Time:
###  Working status:
#### Comments:
#####Soli Deo Gloria